Netflix Movie: The Review Of The Movie "My Wife And I"
Last night was movie night for me and as I went through the various movie list on my Netflix account, I stumbled on this movie titled "My Wife and I". The title was interesting and my curious mind wanted to find out what the movie was about. So, I played this movie and watched for the first 5 minutes and it began to get interesting as one of my favorite actress and actor was on this one again. Omoni Oboli and Ramsy Noah. It was a movie about a couple going through challenges in their marriage and love. They got it all wrong 5 years into their marriage and for 12 years they were living in misery. This affected the relationship they had with their kids.
The writer further went on to talk about how they tried to settle this issue they had between them by going for counseling with a pastor who prayed for them the day that they agreed to get help and save their marriage. The couple woke up to an exchange of bodies. The wife was in her husband's body and the husband, in turn, was in his wife's body. They tried to settle their difference which proved daunting every step of the way till they were able to figure it out between them. OK! no more spoiler from this side. Pay for your Netflix and get the movie.